Monday, 27 June 2011

Return of Rich Razzleberry

Hi all, hope you are enjoying the mini heatwave.

I was up with the birds this morning as Sophie had to leave for her school trip to Germany at 6.15 am . Hubby took her to school as Isabel was still asleep ( and it wouldn't be cool for Mom to be wiping away the tears in front of her friends) and before 7.30 she had already text several times. Then at 10.45 she phoned to say goodbye as she was just about to board the plane (a few more tears, me not Sophie lol ). She has been away with the school before but not abroad - this letting go thing is very difficult ! I hope she has a fantastic time and I'm glad they were allowed to take phones so we can keep in touch.

Back to the cards- older readers (in terms of timescales rather than age lol ! ) will remember that when I first started using SU products my favourite colour was Rich Razzleberry. I think I have neglected it lately so I decided to make some quick cards for the school Summer Fair.

I apologise for the poor picture quality but the usual camera is in Germany and I think I've got this one on the wrong setting, but I think you will get the idea............

I also decorated some candle jars to match

Will try to get the pictures clearer for next time !

As its such a nice evening ( no storms yet ) we are going to take Isabel out for tea

Auf Wiedersehen x


  1. These are so pretty Julie - but some of the photos do look as if you took them through your tears! I find it very hard to say goodbye to my children when they go off on their trips but they, naturally don't give me a second glance and that's how it should be! She'll be back in no time brimful of confidence and having had a fantastic time! Good luck with the summer fair! Vx
